domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

a poem for dzhokhar - Amanda Palmer

you don’t know how it felt to be in the womb but it must have been at least a little warmer than this.
you don’t know how intimately they’re recording your every move on closed-circuit cameras until you see your face reflected back at you through through the pulp.
you don’t know how to stop picking at your fingers.
you don’t know how little you’ve been paying attention until you look down at your legs again.
you don’t know how many times you can say you’re coming until they just stop believing you.
you don’t know how orgasmic the act of taking in a lungful of oxygen is until they hold your head under the water.
you don’t know how many vietnamese soft rolls to order.
you don’t know how convinced your parents were that having children would be, absolutely, without question, the correct thing to do.
you don’t know how precious your iphone battery time was until you’re hiding in the bottom of the boat.
you don’t know how to get away from your fucking parents.
you don’t know how it’s possible to feel total compassion in one moment and total disconnection in the next moment.
you don’t know how things could change so incredibly fast.
you don’t know how to make something, but the instructions are on the internet.
you don’t know how to make sense of this massive parade.
you don’t know how to believe anyone anymore.
you don’t know how to tell the girl in the chair next to you that you’ve been peeking at her dissertation draft and there’s a grammatical typo in the actual file name.
you don’t know how to explain yourself.
you don’t want two percent but it’s all they have.
you don’t know how claustrophobic your house is until you can’t leave it.
you don’t know why you let that guy go without shooting him dead and stuffing him in some bushes between cambridge and watertown.
you don’t know where your friends went.
you don’t know how to dance but you give it a shot anyway.
you don’t know how your life managed to move twenty six miles forward and twenty eight miles back.
you don’t know how to pay your debts.
you don’t know how to separate from this partnership to escape and finally breathe.
you don’t know how come people run their goddamn knees into the ground anyway.
you don’t know how to measure the value of the twenty dollar bill clutched in your hurting hand.
you don’t know how you walked into this trap so obliviously.
you don’t know how to adjust the rearview mirror.
you don’t know how to mourn your dead brother.
you don’t know how to drive this car.
you don’t know the way to new york.
you don’t know the way to new york.
you don’t know the way to new york.
you don’t know the way to new york.

canção excêntrica

Ando à procura de espaço
para o desenho da vida.
Em números me embaraço
e perco sempre a medida.
Se penso encontrar saída,
em vez de abrir um compasso,
projeto-me num abraço
e gero uma despedida.
Se volto sobre o meu passo,
é ja distância perdida.
Meu coração, coisa de aço,
começa a achar um cansaço
esta procura de espaço
para o desenho da vida.
Já por exausta e descrida
não me animo a um breve traço:
- saudosa do que não faço
- do que faço, arrependida.

(Cecilia Meireles)

sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

Mais magro - Fabio Weintraub

Mais magro
Meu amigo está mais magro
Volto a encontrá-lo
dois ou três verões mais tarde
e chego mesmo a dizê-lo:
Você está mais magro.
Problemas de intestino…
responde-me esquivo
… já estive pior, agora
voltei a engordar.
Não peço detalhes
mas vejo o ombro mirrado
entre as alças da regata
Evito tocá-lo
pois a mera proximidade física
parece estranha agora
que meu amigo está mais magro

Novamente juntos
caminhamos pela orla marítima
Eu lhe recito algum verso
ele me ensina outro insulto
e há quase alegria de trégua
não fosse o fato
dele estar mais magro

Se ainda ontem tocassem
os telefones insones
na barra da madrugada
e meu amigo dissesse
palavras de testamento
eu sairia correndo
para deitar-lhe compressas
na testa já repartida

Se fosse eu o afogado
dentro da onda invisível
de bílis, lua e silêncio
ele pagava o resgate
limpava o sal de meus cílios
me devolvia em segredo
sobre a toalha mais limpa

Mas hoje estamos exaustos
há um dreno em nossa bondade:
minha boca só tem dentes
e meu amigo
está mais magro

quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013


não sei
se é do cansaço que vem a tristeza
ou se é da tristeza que vem o cansaço

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

desmanes de nuestra cabeza